




   多年来,以求知、求真的精神广泛研习传统武术遗存,不断深入城镇、乡村、寺院和道观考察民间武术;借助现代科学研究方法和研究仪器研究武术教学、训练、竞赛的发展现状和发展趋势,已发表 300 多万字的武术文论。代表作有:专著《中国武术实用大全》、《中国武术春秋》(美国版《The Spring and Autumn of Chinese Martia Arts》)、《八卦掌教程》(DVD)等,论文《武术发展的文化学思考》、《关于当代武术发展过程中武术模式化现象的反思》、《以发展的眼光迎接传统武术的腾飞》、《从全球化视角探讨武术教育的生存与发展》等近百篇。还曾担任《中华武术图典》、《中国武术大辞典》、《武术文化知识手册》、《我国中小学武术教育改革与发展的研究》、《武术健身操》、《武术功法运动教程》、《中国武术史》等合著的主编、执行主编、副主编、编委和主要撰稿人。


Prominent Wushu Practitioner Worshiping Moralsand Harmony/Gewu Kang (Beijing)

Mr. Kang was born inZhaotong, Yunnan Province in 1948. Professor ; Chinese Wushu 9thgrade.

At early age he began to practice Wushu and he got enlightmentfrom Qin Peng. From 1964 he followed Guozheng Sha and Fusheng He. Since 1973 hesuccessively finished his undergraduate and postgraduate education in BeijingUniversity of Physical Education with master’s degree in pedagogy.  

In the past half century, he has been in succession an athlete ofYunnan Province Wushu Team, Beijing City Wushu Team, and China National WushuDelegation; He has alternately taught in Yunnan Province Wushu Team, BeijingUniversity of Physical Education and Koln Institute of Physical Education inGermany. In 1990 he was transferred to Wushu Research Institute of ChineseSports Committee. Now he is researcher of Wushu Research Institute of ChineseGeneral Bureau of Sports, director of Research Section of Wushu Management Center, secretary general of Chinese Academy of Sports Science,secretary general of Chinese Wushu Association and vice director of TraditionalCommittee of International Wushu Federation.

Hehas published a lot of monographs, such as Chinese Martial Arts PracticalEncyclopedia, The Spring and Autumn of Chinese Martial Arts, The Course ofEight Diagram Palm Boxing(DVD) He has also participated in writing Ahistory of Chinese Wushu, A Complete Dictionary of Chinese Wushu…

He has been invited to visit Germany, France, England, Spain, USA,Mexico, Canada, Singapore , Russia, Australia, Macao, and Taiwan and teachWushu.

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