Pat Rice (USA)


Pat Rice has been invoivedin Chinese martial arls and health practices since 1975 and has studiedextensively in the U.S.and abroad from well-known masters .She has studiedtaijiquan ,qingong and other arts privately in China and in Europe ,havingtraveled for that purpose to China nine Atimes .

She was an athlete member ofthe 1988 U.S.Wushu Team and competed in taijiquan at the International WushuInvitational Tournamentin Hang zhou ,China Among other toumament awards ,sheplaced firstin Taijiquan ,Women’s Division,and first in Push-hands,Women’sDivision ,in the U.S.National Kungfu Wushu Competitions ,Houston ,Texas in1986and 1987,She was a member of the 1989U.S.Taijiquan Team and won 3rdplace in Push-Hands,Women’s Heavyweight Division, at the First Chung-hua Cupinternational Tai chi chuan Tournament,Taiwan.

She earned a diploma at theWushu international Judges Course in Shanghai in 1988 and is certified by theChina Wushu Association to judge ing international tournaments She hassponsored,directed,and judged at numerous tournaments ,and has taught coursesin tournament management and judges training.

She has published severalarticles on taijiquan ,wushu and self defense.

She is Director of “A Tasteof China “,an organization that since 1983has presented taijiquan and qigongtraining seminars featuring many ntable masters including Chen Xiao-Wang(Chenstyle ),Yang Zhen-duo (Yang style )and Wang Pei-sheng(Wu style )and has takenseveral student groups to China ,and which organized the “U.S.A.All-TaijiquanChampionshis”between 1988 and 2005.These events are presented several timeseach year in Winchester ,Virginia,and other locations ,They attract faculty,officials and judges,and participants ,students ,and athletes from all acrossthe U.S.and Canada ,and also from Europe ,South America ,Australia ,and ChinaBased ong the role A Taste of China has Played in the development and spread ofChinese martial arts ,she was named in 1999 by Inside Kung fu magazine as oneof the 100 most influential persons in martial arts in the U.S.inthe past 100years .She wasinducted into Inside Kungfu’s 2001 Hall of Fame for “QutstandingCongtribution to Martial Arts”.

She has conducted workshopsin the U.S.and abroad for more than 25 Years .She has taught at ShenandoahUniversity,Shenandoah University’s College for Lifelong Leaming and LordFairfax Community College in Virginia .She has been Director and Instructor atthe Shenandoah Taijiquan Center/Yang Chang-fu Centerin Winchester,Virginiasince 1992.

She has a great enthusiasmfor teaching and learning and is dedicated sharing the sense of well-being thatcan be obtained from the practices of taiji and qigong.

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