RNC Inner Circle Commission -Member
RNC Community - Team Leader
American Asian Federation - Chairman
US American Chinese United Association - President
International Martial Arts Federation - President
World Chinese Medicine & Herbs United Association -President
International Martial Arts Medical University – President
American Chinese Kung-Fu Association – President
United States Army Volunteers Reserve – CEO, Major General
Grand Master Che Cheng Chiang was born in Taiwan. He beganpracticing martial arts at an early age. He was appointed as the director andhead coach of Taipei Martial Arts Association. In 1970 Che Cheng Chiang wasinvited to Japan and Korea to teach Chinese Kung Fu, to study Japanese Karateand was awarded the Japanese 9th Degree in Karate. He has once been the headcoach of the Japanese Self-defense Army and the Korean Presidential SecurityGuards. In 1980, he came to the United State and established in Los Angeles theChinese Martial Arts Academy, China Kung-Fu Association, International MartialArts Medical University, teaching Chinese Kung Fu and traditional medicine. Hereceived the Master Degree in Acupuncture, and Doctoral Degree in OrientalMedicine, Philosophy and Theology.
In 1981, he established International Martial ArtsFederation and International Martial Arts Medical University and became theHonorary Medical Doctor and Honorary President of the American Chinese MedicineHerbs and Acupuncture Association. He was elected the President ofInternational Shaolin Wushu United Association, World Medicine and Herb UnitedAssociation and American Asian Federation. In 1980s, he started to work withthe mainstream community, and was appointed as member of Republican Party InnerCircle Commission and in 2002 was awarded the Highest Leadership Award and theGreatest Contribution Award. In 2004 he received the President Award issued byfour Republican US Presidents: Ford, Reagan, Bush and George W. Bush. He wasawarded the Special Contribution Award, Honorary Citizen and City Key by theMayor and Police Department of Los Angeles and the City of Monterey Park for 8times, and Special Award by California state government for 4 times.